puffy eyes

5 Things From Your Kitchen To Beat Puffy Eyes

It’s hard to feel fresh and alert when you look in the mirror and have puffy eyes staring back at you.

Whether they are the result of a heavy night, a broken heart or a raging allergy, you need a speedy remedy to reduce the swelling, so head to the kitchen and try our top five tips:


Cold spoons

For a quick fix, chill a couple of stainless steel spoons in the fridge, or iced water and use the rounded part of the spoon to gentle push the puffiness away.



If you’re short on time, bathing your face and eyes in cold water will reduce swelling quickly. If you suspect dehydration is the result of your puffiness, then increase your water intake and avoid caffeine and fizzy drinks which will make it worse.



It doesn’t matter what brand or type you drink, teabags are invaluable in the fight against puffy eyes. Place a couple in hot water and let them cool until they are comfortable to place over the eyes for around 20 minutes. The caffeine content in green or black tea will help to constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling, while herbal teas contain anti-irritants, which will soothe inflammation and redness.



The anti-inflammatory properties of the cucumber make it an ideal cooling solution to reduce puffiness. Cut two slices – straight from the fridge – and lay them over your eyes for 25 minutes while you relax and enjoy the aromatic freshness as they work their magic.



Probably not the first thing you think of to put over your eyes, but the high starch content in this humble vegetable has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Peel, grate and wrap in a cloth, to use as a poultice to reduce puffiness.

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