Meet the Blogger: Lee Chestnutt, (Mental Health by Lee)

Lee is a 35 year old phone sales man and full time student from Coleraine, who blogs under the handle ‘Mental Health by Lee’

Why did you decide to become a blogger/influencer?

Really to help that someone to never feel the way I felt when I had my mental health breakdown and wanted to end my life. As I would help people out in the past and then I got threatened on my personal page, at that time I was going through extremely mental health issues. I went and seen my old boss just to chat and she said Lee why don’t create a page for people to contact you for your advice and guidance, so after a few weeks of Anxiety about doing it I made it and the rest is history so to speak.

Tell us something your followers might not already know about you?

I was trolled. They even contacted the university I go to.

What would you consider your biggest achievement as a blogger/influencer?

Honestly, being able to help that one person not feel alone.


What would you consider the biggest lesson you’ve learnt in the industry?

To be honest and open with yourself because no one can take the that away from you. Always do what feels right for you. Don’t let it take over your life.

What has been your biggest challenge to date?

Realising I am worth it and overcoming not wanting to end my life and getting to university.

Do you feel that bloggers are unfairly judged at times, if so why?

No because I feel no matter what we do in life we are judged for what we did or didn’t do.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to start a blog/instagram page?

As Nike would say, just do it. Simply because no one can say to you the things you haven’t already thought about yourself.

What international blogger do you look up to and why?

Fearne cotton with out a doubt. Why, she talks so so open about her mental illness past and present and that’s what I love, that’s what I do! I tell you now I will make it on her podcast one day.

You can find out more about Lee and follow him on Instagram at @mentalhealthbylee

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